The 5 Agencies Any Kickstarter Creator Should Partner With
When it comes to success on Kickstarter, there are many different techniques you can use to go above and beyond your crowdfunding goals. One such key to success is partnering with one of the many agencies in the crowdfunding ecosystem.
Now, I know what you’re thinking—“My inbox is already flooded by grifters and scam artists trying to profit off of my hard work!” While that is certainly true, there are actually some really helpful agencies in the world of crowdfunding. And by partnering with these agencies, your campaign can reach more backers than you could ever hope to achieve on your own.
In today’s post, we’ll go over who the 5 key Kickstarter agencies are and why you should partner with them.
1. Jellop
Service: Campaign Marketing
Without a doubt, the biggest player in the Kickstarter agency space is Jellop. Established in 2015, this agency has been around since the very beginning.
What Jellop does is they help get the word out about your campaign in-progress through ads and their email newsletter. These services may not seem like much at first glance, but Jellop has worked with everyone, meaning their sheer number of subscribers and access to data is beyond compare.
If you’re worried about costs, you can rest assured that Jellop rates start at 15% of the pledges attributable to their efforts. That means if your Jellop ads don’t do anything for you, you’re not on the hook for any payment whatsoever. There’s nothing to lose at all by partnering with them.
2. Launchboom
Service: Pre-launch
Launchboom is another major player in the crowdfunding space. Their services include Kickstarter pages, reservation funnels, advertising, creatives, and more.
The key difference between Lanchboom and Jellop is that Launchboom handles everything pre-launch, while Jellop will take over for services after you launch.
One interesting feature of working with Launchboom is their $1 reservation system. By putting down a $1 refundable deposit, people interested in your product get access to certain privileges and benefits when you launch. These people then become 30 times more likely to back your project once it launches.
The pricing for working with Launchboom usually ranges from $1,000-2,000. But the good news is, they’ll only encourage you to spend on ads if the campaign is showing a positive return on investment. So, assuming you have room in your marketing budget, we definitely recommend working with Launchboom.
3. Pledgebox
Services: Pledge Management and Backer Survey
The next agency we’ll take a look at is Pledgebox. This service handles mainly the ending phase of your campaign.
With Pledgebox’s pledge manager, backers and creators get to enjoy a greatly facilitated process of collecting and submitting pledge information. For creators, all you have to do is link your campaign to the Pledgebox tool; then, Pledgebox will handle the rest. Pledgebox also lets you upsell additional products or addons at no cost. And for backers, Pledgebox is an intuitive interface to submit shipping information and select campaign addons.
Like Jellop, Pledgebox is free to use and only collects a percentage of the revenue generated through the platform. That means there’s no reason not to use them.
4. Easyship
Services: Shipping and Fulfillment
If the thought of having to send hundreds or even thousands of packages across the world worries you, you’re not alone. In fact, many Kickstarter projects notoriously run into issues with fulfillment and a never-ending torrent of backer complaints from missing packages.
Inevitably, you will have to pick a partner for your shipping and fulfillment. Easyship is one service you can partner with and their crowdfunding specific services have yielded great results.
Easyship offers lots of services, but one specific one worth highlighting is Easyship Collect. This service transfers the burden of paying for shipping from you to the backers, so you’re not stuck with a massive bill for fulfillment. That also comes with the ability for backers to pay their customs and taxes before the parcel arrives, so there are no surprise customs fees for backers.
There are plenty of choices to go with for fulfillment, but Easyship’s crowdfunding specific packages are definitely worth taking a look at.
Services: All-inclusive Campaign Management
Of course, no article about crowdfunding agencies would be complete without giving a shoutout to the best in the game!
At Funding Insider, we offer all-inclusive campaign management, including the creation of content, images, and videos of your crowdfunding campaign, as well as providing consultations on which of the above agencies you should work with.
If you want everything crowdfunding, or even just a few of the services we can offer you, just let us know!