How to Market Your Kickstarter Campaign

How to Market Your Kickstarter Campaign

FundingInsider Team July 5th 2024 3 mins, 440 words

You’ve got the idea for your next big product and you’re ready to launch your campaign.

But your carefully crafted campaign won’t get the results you’re looking for if there’s no audience to see it.

Today, we’ll go over the fundamentals for marketing your Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign and give you tips on how to get the word out about your upcoming product.


Pre-launch Marketing Page and Email List

Before you launch your campaign, it’s important to create a pre-launch landing page that you can advertise on Meta and Google.

The pre-launch page is pretty simple; just the main points of your product, plus a place for prospective backers to leave their email. Those important first few contacts will eventually come to your campaign and provide you with some much-needed early support. 



Much of the conversions on a Kickstarter campaign will come from crowdfunding newsletters. Kickstarter has its own newsletter, but most campaigns will use third-party newsletters like Jellop, BackerViews, or BackerMany to drive traffic. The more the merrier!

These platforms will share your campaign with their backer communities. But they also come with handy dashboards to see who is coming to your page and how successful your efforts are.

The pricing plans for Newsletters are usually quite affordable. Jellop, for instance, is a 3% commission on top of a monthly fee that’s less than 30 dollars. Most campaigns will make that money back and then some with just 1 conversions, so there’s no reason to skip out. 


Press Releases

If you have some extra money to spend, a press release package can help spread the news about your campaign. 

Press releases are helpful for the obvious reasons—people will see and interact with the content posted on the partnering site. But what’s even better is that you can use those press releases in your Kickstarter campaign. A screenshot or two of your article’s headline at a reputable publication can help instill confidence in your campaign.


Get Ready for Launch!

Once you’ve gotten your pre-launch marketing efforts set up and a strong email list, all that’s left is to launch your campaign.

Make sure there’s a link to your Kickstarter campaign on your pre-launch page so people can support your campaign right away once it’s launched. Other than that, keep your ads rolling and see what’s working the best. Good luck and happy funding!

Need more advice on marketing your crowdfunding campaign? Get in touch with the Funding Insider Team and consider signing up for the Funding Insider Newsletter for quality promotion.

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